Puanani Tuiolosega Tagoa'i
Destination Portrait Couture Photographer

My venture into photography began on a whim, and evolved into the pursuit of a dream I hadn't been able to fathom in the beginning. The road it has lead me down has been ultimately inspiring, and a blessing in so many ways. It has been a creative outlet, an achievement in itself, and an avenue that has helped me learn so much about myself. I am grateful for the BEST clients ever, who have made this adventure so FUN and rewarding -- thank you for having faith in me, and trusting in my abilities. I am thrilled to be pursuing a new line of photography that will open up doors to meeting more amazing people and prospective clients!

In a nutshell, some random facts about me . . .
I --
+ was born & raised in American Samoa, and I always miss my island home!
+ went to college in Utah and Hawaii
+ have lived in Seattle almost 7 years, and it is still slooowly growing on me :)

I am --
+ on the brink of 30 years old (and hoping when it gets here, I can embrace it!)
+ mommy to 3.5 incredible children, who I can't imagine life without; I thank God
and my lucky stars for them every day!
+ step-mom to 2 great sons
+ Samoan, Hawaiian, Chinese, and various European (German, French, Swedish,
+ an accountant by day
+ a wife, daughter, granddaughter, sister, aunty and friend
+ a bookworm; a perfect "me" day would include curling up with a great book
+ thankful, always, for ALL that I am blessed with

I love --
+ FASHION! The concept of the Stunning shoots was partly developed from a
love of fashion and style
+ European chocolate
+ Starbucks salted caramel anything
+ the smell of fresh laundry and Irish Spring
+ Scentsy
+ Apple products - I often wonder what it'd be like without the conveniences of my
iPhone, iPad, iMac, iPod, iBooks and iTunes?
+ GOOD food - especially seafood - but have taken a healthier approach to eating
lately that has made HUGE differences!
+ to cook!
+ number-crunching
+ Laura Mercier, Make Up Forever, MAC, Benefit and Urban Decay make-up, and
Boscia black masks - not one to wear a ton of make-up, but I sure am a sucker for
buying it!
+ down comforters
+ DIY projects
+ Pinterest
+ to travel, and wish I did more of it!
+ rainy days on a tropical island, but not in the Northwest, by any means :)