Yes, couldn’t help myself - Friday’s Fabulous Finds on a Saturday since I missed (almost) 2 Fridays!
Some BLACK FRIDAY Fun & A Christmas Gift for You!
To spread some Holiday Cheer, and keeping in line with Black Friday deals, check out this interactive website, designed by Melissa Love, and brought to you by Tiare Photography - PLAY, WIN and DOWNLOAD a little something from me to you! Feel free to redeem it for yourself, or re-gift it to someone special.
It’ll only be up for a little while, so take advantage of the FUN while you can! ;)
Click the screen shot below:
It’ll only be up for a little while, so take advantage of the FUN while you can! ;)
Click the screen shot below:
I woke up this morning to my little boy, fast asleep and curled up against my side, and I felt a wave of gratitude come over me. For him, for my daughters, and for my newest blessing growing in my tummy. Even on the roughest days of fevers or tantrums or huge messes in the house and crayon marks all over my walls :), life is sweet, and I can’t think of anything that brings me more joy than being a Mommy. I love my babies to no end, and am thankful every day for each of them, their health, and the way they make me smile at the simplest of things.
Every year around the holidays, I think about all the things I have to be thankful for, and I’m overwhelmed. My gratitude list could go on forever.
Thanksgiving 2011 has come and gone, and after slaving away in the kitchen, stuffing myself silly, and going into a 4-hour food coma afterwards, I’m ready to get my butt back in gear. After getting into such a great blogging groove since launching this new photography line, life, in all its craziness and glory, stepped right in and hasn’t given me as much time in the last couple of weeks to sit down and stick with it. I have lots of things to share, amazing things planned and prepared, and I’m excited to bring in the New Year with a BANG - so, if I have any blog readers out there, stay tuned..I promise to try not to disappoint!
Seeing as we’re on the brink of Black Friday, look out for tomorrow’s Fabulous Finds and a Holiday Special on the way!
Every year around the holidays, I think about all the things I have to be thankful for, and I’m overwhelmed. My gratitude list could go on forever.
Thanksgiving 2011 has come and gone, and after slaving away in the kitchen, stuffing myself silly, and going into a 4-hour food coma afterwards, I’m ready to get my butt back in gear. After getting into such a great blogging groove since launching this new photography line, life, in all its craziness and glory, stepped right in and hasn’t given me as much time in the last couple of weeks to sit down and stick with it. I have lots of things to share, amazing things planned and prepared, and I’m excited to bring in the New Year with a BANG - so, if I have any blog readers out there, stay tuned..I promise to try not to disappoint!
Seeing as we’re on the brink of Black Friday, look out for tomorrow’s Fabulous Finds and a Holiday Special on the way!
Happy 11.11.11! This week’s Friday Finds comes from our FABULOUS Facebook friends ♥! Thanks for all the great feedback, ladies!
BE YOUR BEST SELF | Oprah’s Live Facebook Interview
This video spoke VOLUMES to me, and I wanted to share it on my blog – it’s long, but it’s worth taking the time to watch. Toward the beginning of Oprah’s live Facebook interview, she talks about feeling “fear” when she made the decision to end her show and open her own network.
While obviously on a much smaller scale, I felt a great deal of this before launching the new line and website. Oprah asked herself, “What would I do if I wasn’t afraid?” Subconsciously, I wondered the same thing. Taking the step to focus my business energy on something different altogether felt like a huge risk, but it was a change I felt was necessary - not just for myself, but for what I thought I could offer women everywhere. Oprah goes on to mention that she feels that part of her mission is to get people to see the best of the themselves, to be individually empowered.
That is the similar mission of this brand - to help women feel individually empowered, to express their essence and to celebrate themselves.
One of my favorite things Oprah says in this interview is, “I think that what we all desire is the fullest, highest expression of ourselves.”
Couldn’t have said it better. When we think of who we want to become, when we set goals or we think of ways to be better people, we are essentially setting our sights on the highest expression of ourselves.
BE YOUR BEST SELF. Make the choice to be as AMAZING as you have the potential to be. Everyone is destined for greatness!
While obviously on a much smaller scale, I felt a great deal of this before launching the new line and website. Oprah asked herself, “What would I do if I wasn’t afraid?” Subconsciously, I wondered the same thing. Taking the step to focus my business energy on something different altogether felt like a huge risk, but it was a change I felt was necessary - not just for myself, but for what I thought I could offer women everywhere. Oprah goes on to mention that she feels that part of her mission is to get people to see the best of the themselves, to be individually empowered.
That is the similar mission of this brand - to help women feel individually empowered, to express their essence and to celebrate themselves.
One of my favorite things Oprah says in this interview is, “I think that what we all desire is the fullest, highest expression of ourselves.”
Couldn’t have said it better. When we think of who we want to become, when we set goals or we think of ways to be better people, we are essentially setting our sights on the highest expression of ourselves.
BE YOUR BEST SELF. Make the choice to be as AMAZING as you have the potential to be. Everyone is destined for greatness!
Friday’s FABULOUS FINDS | Vol. I
DISCLAIMER: TGIF! Welcome to the first edition of "Fabulous Finds" - the just-for-fun Friday blog post that contains random finds and faves of yours truly. In the coming weeks, these "magazine pages" will include things that range from beauty to home decor to technology to photography stuff to things for moms, and more - just a bunch of stuff I happen to like :). And who knows - they could get more random than that! Keep an eye out for Fabulous Finds every Friday!
Before all else, I am a mommy. It's one of the things I am proudest of, amongst any and all accomplishments in my life. When I started to develop the concept of the Stunning brand, I thought often of my daughters. At 5 and 4, they are extra impressionable, especially inquisitive, and their innocence is beautiful. Often, I find them playing dress-up, pretending they're princesses, or quietly watching me put on make-up. When I fix their hair or they have a new outfit on, they're quick to ask if they look pretty. I always wonder who they'll grow up to be someday, and what it is I can teach them about what really makes them beautiful.
True beauty shines through when it comes from within. Physically, everyone has something going for them - great hair, luscious lashes, straight teeth, a good jawline, perfect skin, toned arms, curves, etc. Similarly, we all have quirks about what we don't like about our physical selves. When someone is beautiful from the inside though, it shines brighter than any physical imperfection. While you can't tell a person's personality from a photograph, I can say that it is possible to bring that beauty out so that the captured image does reflect it. Before I launched the Stunning line, I thought about that very thing - capturing TRUE beauty. Professional hair & make-up application can enhance our physical qualities, and when we physically feel beautiful, the beauty beneath it all makes itself evident. The Stunning experience, as I've said before, is intended to draw that "beautiful" out.
More than anything, I want my daughters to grow up to be healthy, kind, patient, loving, respectful, confident, intelligent, honest women. I want them to have integrity, to be helpful to those in need, to be strong and to always stand for something good.
True beauty shines through when it comes from within. Physically, everyone has something going for them - great hair, luscious lashes, straight teeth, a good jawline, perfect skin, toned arms, curves, etc. Similarly, we all have quirks about what we don't like about our physical selves. When someone is beautiful from the inside though, it shines brighter than any physical imperfection. While you can't tell a person's personality from a photograph, I can say that it is possible to bring that beauty out so that the captured image does reflect it. Before I launched the Stunning line, I thought about that very thing - capturing TRUE beauty. Professional hair & make-up application can enhance our physical qualities, and when we physically feel beautiful, the beauty beneath it all makes itself evident. The Stunning experience, as I've said before, is intended to draw that "beautiful" out.
More than anything, I want my daughters to grow up to be healthy, kind, patient, loving, respectful, confident, intelligent, honest women. I want them to have integrity, to be helpful to those in need, to be strong and to always stand for something good.
I want them to be stunning, from the inside out.
FAQ | Camera, Makeovers, and More
I decided to answer a bunch of questions I've received lately, in a blog post. I thought about doing this later in the week, but after getting a ton of questions, I figured I'd split them up into two posts, and do another one later in the month.
You are the answers :). Thanks to everyone who sent in questions!
What do you shoot with? This is possibly THE most frequently asked question :). I shoot with the Canon 5D Mark II - my trooper of a camera body - and mainly two fixed prime lenses that I like to switch between: the buttery smooth Canon 50mm f/1.2L (the Nifty Fifty!), and the fabulous 85mm f/1.2L. I also have a dependable 35mm f/2.0 that can do wonders in great lighting.
You are the answers :). Thanks to everyone who sent in questions!
What do you shoot with? This is possibly THE most frequently asked question :). I shoot with the Canon 5D Mark II - my trooper of a camera body - and mainly two fixed prime lenses that I like to switch between: the buttery smooth Canon 50mm f/1.2L (the Nifty Fifty!), and the fabulous 85mm f/1.2L. I also have a dependable 35mm f/2.0 that can do wonders in great lighting.
What kind of post-processing do you do? I do all post-processing in Lightroom and Photoshop. My post-processing is minimal; I will color-correct an image, retouch skin if necessary, and sharpen. Some images will get converted to black & white. That's about it. It's my preference that the photograph look as true to reality as possible, but I will enhance it a little if necessary, and only with very basic touch-ups.
What are your prices? Under "Investment" on my website (also named "Collections"), there are 3 main collections (Classic, Boutique and Couture) with pricing information.
Do the Stunning shoots include makeovers? The Boutique and Couture collections include professional hair & make-up, while the Classic collection does not. I highly recommend that clients choose to have their hair and make-up done professionally, as it plays an essential part in the Stunning session results. Should a client choose the Classic package, she does have the option of adding hair & make-up at an additional cost.
Do you offer payment plans? Absolutely! Generally, payment is due in full upon booking. However, I'm completely open to payment arrangements that are most convenient for you. Payment plans can be weekly, bi-weekly, split into 2 or 3 or 4 - whatever works best. The only catch to payment plans is that the shoot must be paid in full at least 2 days before the scheduled shoot date. 30% down (in however many payments it takes) is required to reserve a specific date. Email me, and we can discuss arrangements.
Do you do "Stunning" maternity photos? What about senior portraits? YES, and yes! Either type of shoot can be done under the same collections that are listed on the website.
Do you still do families, weddings, engagement shoots, etc? Yes, I do. While the focus of my branding is for women, I will do portraits for men and children, family photos, and I love to shoot engagements and weddings. Email me to schedule a shoot/book a wedding. I am currently limited to doing 4 weddings per year.
Your bio on your website says you are mommy to 3.5 kids. What does that mean? I've been blessed with 2 daughters and a son, and am expecting baby #4 due some time soon :). Another little princess to add to the bunch! I say "3.5" since she's not quite here just yet ;).
Do you do group sessions, and if so, do you offer discounts? It's always fun when friends book shoots together - yes to the group sessions/marathon shoots! Collections are not offered at discount rates, but I am putting together a referral and "frequent flyer" program right now. "Like" my Facebook page to stay current on any promotionals that may come up in the future. Stay tuned for more details on the programs in the works :)!
What do I bring to a Stunning shoot? Depending on the collection you choose, you can bring different outfits to change into during your shoot. As I shoot fashion/editorial style photos, I suggest bringing more fashion-forward items. If you're scheduling a boudoir session, you can bring lingerie, a pretty bra & panty set, a men's shirt, etc. Possibilities are limitless! Shoot me an email if you have an idea for the type of shoot you'd like, and we can work together to tailor the shoot specifically to you!
I'm nervous! What should I expect the shoot to be like? Don't fret - it's natural to be nervous before a shoot (that's why I stay on the other side of the!). The Stunning experience is intended to be your very own pampering session where you can get dolled up and beautiful and I can document it afterwards.
Do you travel? ABSOLUTELY! I am a destination photographer, and plan several trips a year to different places. I'm also available for trips at your request, and have set travel fees depending on states. Email me if you'd like to book a shoot in a location other than Western Washington.
Do you travel? ABSOLUTELY! I am a destination photographer, and plan several trips a year to different places. I'm also available for trips at your request, and have set travel fees depending on states. Email me if you'd like to book a shoot in a location other than Western Washington.
Hope this answers most questions :). I'll run another soon - post any questions you may have on the Facebook page, send me an email, or give me a call!
I’ve had several people ask about the headboards that appear in the bedroom images on my website. I posted a status update on Facebook about a week ago with a photo of my new & improved guest room bed, complete with a brand new headboard that I made myself. Me – a far cry from Martha Stewart. Since then, I’ve gotten tons of email/Facebook message inquiries about the headboard I happen to be especially proud of :), crooked nailhead-placing and all! I made 2 for the Cal King bed that sits in my guest room. The first, a padded cream vinyl with French nailhead accent trim, and the second, a plain, padded black vinyl.
I have to give credit where it’s due – I found the tutorial for the headboards on a blog post by Centsational Girl. AMAZING stuff! I wish I could be as crafty, and make all the cool things she does. The headboards were both easy and affordable (thank goodness!).
For the particular ones I made, I bought ½” plywood from Home Depot that measured 72” wide and 40” high. For the first headboard, I scoured Jo-Ann Fabrics for HOURS looking for the perfect upholstery fabric and couldn’t decide on anything. I was prepared to pay $30 a yard for 2 yards of fabulous fabric, and couldn’t make a decision for the life of me. The saleswoman casually suggested I check the clearance shelves. Lo and behold, I found a beautiful cream vinyl that was on clearance for $8 a yard – and then there was a 50% sale going on, on top of that. Score! I also bought 1” thick foam padding and some quilting batting, as well as a nailhead trim kit, and got to work.
I was so happy with the finished product that I decided to make another one; not only was it convenient for boudoir shoots to show varying bedroom looks, it worked as a backdrop for some images too. These beautiful images of Eki were done against the black headboard propped up on a chair or bed. The way the light bounced off the texture was perfect for the look we were aiming for in these shots!
BEFORE & AFTER | The Stunning Experience
It has been an overwhelming 24+ hours since launching my new website and the Stunning brand, and I couldn’t be more grateful for all the positive feedback and interest. Thank you, a thousand times over!
I’ve received numerous emails in the last day from women who want to book sessions, but don’t feel they’re “model material” or they want to lose weight, or get in shape first. Some don’t know that they’d want their photos publicized, and others are worried that “stunning” is the last thing they are.
Every woman is beautiful. I believe this whole-heartedly.
The Stunning session is an experience - a chance for you to feel as beautiful as you look - regardless of your shape, size, or age today. If you FEEL beautiful, you’ll look beautiful, and I will document it! I am not, by any stretch of the imagination, a glamour photographer. The makeover you’re given by talented face & hair artists will only enhance the beauty that is already there. Together, we’ll find your most flattering angles and create breathtaking imagery, and by the end of the shoot, you will feel as stunning as you think the supermodels on magazine covers are! And you will know, by looking at your finished images, that you could be on one too :). Your photographs are intended to be pure art.
All clients who are featured on the blog will be showcased in a magazine page layout, as those that appear on the website:
Every woman deserves to feel like she could grace the cover of a magazine - should you choose to experience a session, it is my utmost intention that you do!
I’ve received numerous emails in the last day from women who want to book sessions, but don’t feel they’re “model material” or they want to lose weight, or get in shape first. Some don’t know that they’d want their photos publicized, and others are worried that “stunning” is the last thing they are.
Every woman is beautiful. I believe this whole-heartedly.
The Stunning session is an experience - a chance for you to feel as beautiful as you look - regardless of your shape, size, or age today. If you FEEL beautiful, you’ll look beautiful, and I will document it! I am not, by any stretch of the imagination, a glamour photographer. The makeover you’re given by talented face & hair artists will only enhance the beauty that is already there. Together, we’ll find your most flattering angles and create breathtaking imagery, and by the end of the shoot, you will feel as stunning as you think the supermodels on magazine covers are! And you will know, by looking at your finished images, that you could be on one too :). Your photographs are intended to be pure art.
All clients who are featured on the blog will be showcased in a magazine page layout, as those that appear on the website:
Every woman deserves to feel like she could grace the cover of a magazine - should you choose to experience a session, it is my utmost intention that you do!
It's official! After a crazy week of designing this website and building it from scratch, it's finally done!
The product of months of planning, countless sleepless nights, my labor of love (ha!), and a final push to just get it done.
Check out my newest photography line,

Update your bookmarks! New website can be found at:
Special thanks to:
My family, for being SO patient with me while I neglected them to get this website complete.
Lani Ulugalu & Shanina Aliifua, for their amazing hair & make-up talent and time.
Leilani Ramsey, Eki Punimata, Fancy Frenchwood, Amber Zumwalt, Cayden Dedera, and Lani Ulugalu for being STUNNING!
Rose Suiaunoa, for taking the time to "preview" this project while in the works, her creative direction and honest *reviews* - all of which helped make this website what it is!
SHOWIT, for awesome software that allowed me to put my ideas into a website I can call my own :)!
This post on a brand new blog has been a long time coming!
For several months, I've thought about revamping my business, focusing on something I enjoy, and running with it. Like the fabulous image above reads, I have been devoted to this idea all year long, and while, clearly, it's taken me AGES to get this off the ground, today I'm "making it happen" -- a new website is launching, an entire new brand is developing, and I've designed a new line of photography I've dubbed STUNNING - I couldn't be more excited to share it with you; there's so much in store!
This is my DREAM!
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