I woke up this morning to my little boy, fast asleep and curled up against my side, and I felt a wave of gratitude come over me. For him, for my daughters, and for my newest blessing growing in my tummy. Even on the roughest days of fevers or tantrums or huge messes in the house and crayon marks all over my walls :), life is sweet, and I can’t think of anything that brings me more joy than being a Mommy. I love my babies to no end, and am thankful every day for each of them, their health, and the way they make me smile at the simplest of things.
Every year around the holidays, I think about all the things I have to be thankful for, and I’m overwhelmed. My gratitude list could go on forever.
Thanksgiving 2011 has come and gone, and after slaving away in the kitchen, stuffing myself silly, and going into a 4-hour food coma afterwards, I’m ready to get my butt back in gear. After getting into such a great blogging groove since launching this new photography line, life, in all its craziness and glory, stepped right in and hasn’t given me as much time in the last couple of weeks to sit down and stick with it. I have lots of things to share, amazing things planned and prepared, and I’m excited to bring in the New Year with a BANG - so, if I have any blog readers out there, stay tuned..I promise to try not to disappoint!
Seeing as we’re on the brink of Black Friday, look out for tomorrow’s Fabulous Finds and a Holiday Special on the way!
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